Actively Prevent Driver Distraction, Driver Distraction Solution.  Texting While Driving prevention, Teen Driver Distraction Prevention, Filtering Messages while Driving, Stop teen drivers get distracted by texting on a cell phone, Hands on the wheel at 10:02,Thumb Gesture Interface, fleet management system, fleet texting solution, fleet safety solution.


 It's smart to be safeTM


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                           iQ-Wheel  TM  |||  iQ-TeenTM iQ-Family TM |||  iQ-Fleet TM |||  iQ-Truck TM

iQ-Truck is a solution for Long Hauls Fleets, HAZMAT Fleets, or Fleets that transport valuable cargo.  It allows managements to keep their fleet connected to home base and to the world around them.  But uniquely, it allows management to keep tap on the driver well being and competence. 


This solution allows  connectivity under preset rules by management about how calling is done, with whom and under what conditions.  This empowers the driver to go about their daily routine without getting stressed out because they have to manually control their phones, e-mails or computers while driving, or to be subjected to chaotic incoming call a a time they feel is too complex to start a communication session.


The driver can have a host of communication needs pooled into their profile for access from one place while driving, iQ-HUBTM See page for individual features details. Go to FAQ for layman explanation of the system and how it works.


The fleet owner will also get better control about what the drivers in his company are doing while on the road and he is certain that the system is pro-actively preventing accidents and risky behaviors and not just reporting them.  Communication on the move also reduces the risk of Hijacking, which normally happens when the vehicle is parked.


In simple terms, driver will get a smart cradle that monitors the vehicle, the computer and the phone and then it controls access to communication based on policy set by management. 


The driver  can have a host of communication needs pooled into their profile for access from one place while driving, iQ-HUBTM.


The system has a single touch 911 calling feature as well as an automatic 911 call, iQ-911 TM, in case of an accident. 


$2,199.99* U.S.  per system

Additional charges include Monthly fee and additional cost for added features





  1. Your own cell phones to hold iQ-PROFILETM.  The Cell phone must be a BluetoothR* phone, but it does not have to be a smart phone and it can be with any carrier.

  2. iQ-HUBTM

  3. iQ-GatewayTM  

    1. iQ-ALERTTM***

    2. iQ-911TM


  5. iQ-SENSETM*   (Hazardous Material Application)

  6. iQ-AWARETM*  (Hazardous Material Application)

  7. iQ-TrackTM   (Free for an introductory period)

  8. iQ-NotifyTM  Free for an introductory period

  9. Google Navigation included and controlled through the system

    1. Google Navigation requires internet connection

    2. Google Navigation may not be suited for certain trucking operations.

  10. Options at extra cost (Monthly fees, Pay Per Call, or a purchase) More details available under Solutions page.

* Price does not include the cost iQ-SENSETM and iQ-AWARETM

We are working on our mass production design that will be available in early 2013.  Purchase of an aftermarket solution is available by contacting info at or by visiting


For licensing, please visit this page.


For more information,  please contact us on (248)388-0211 or on info at  and we will contact you at the time you specified to follow up.


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