Actively Prevent Driver Distraction, Driver Distraction Solution.  Texting While Driving prevention, Teen Driver Distraction Prevention, Filtering Messages while Driving, Stop teen drivers get distracted by texting on a cell phone, Hands on the wheel at 10:02,Thumb Gesture Interface, fleet management system, fleet texting solution, fleet safety solution.



 It's smart to be safeTM


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Connectivity with 
Eyes On The Roads 
Hands on the Wheel



iQ-Telematics™, LLC

It’s smart to be safe™

 For Immediate Release

Michigan’s iQ-Telematics™ introduces:

iQ-AutoLife™,4th generation driver experience

 solutions, during SAE Convergence 2012

 West Bloomfield, Michigan – October 16, 2012 - Michigan-based iQ-Telematics™, LLC will be exhibiting at SAE Convergence 2012 to introduce iQ-AutoLife™, which includes patented/patent pending technologies in the US and EU.  iQ-AutoLife™ is a fourth generation driver experience solution that will Guarantee, Hands On The Wheel, Eyes On The Road and seamless integration of driver life necessities inside and outside the automobile, without introducing hazards associated with portable telematics and today’s connected vehicles.   “Everyone is focused on connected vehicles, but we are focused on connecting people safely”, said Mr. Naboulsi, the inventor and founder of iQ-Telematics™.

The Old:  During SAE Government and Industry, 2002 our parent company, Applikompt, introduced STMCGateway™ which consists of KnowledgeWare™, Hardware and Software that work together to assure a safer driver experience.

1.     KnowledgeWare™ is the conclusion of more than 7 years of applied research of real world driving packaged into a set of universal rules to assure elimination of known driver distraction causes.

a.     Reflex Distraction™: By eliminating all vehicle equipment, portable device alarms, notifications, and information and re-prioritizing and restructuring them to direct the driver’s attention to the road ahead and surrounding traffic. No Startle, no surprises, no redirecting driver vision off the road or taking away his attention off the drive.

b.    Impulse Distraction™: By enabling impulse activity in a manner that Guarantees Eyes On The Road and Hands On The Wheel™.

c.     Life Style Distraction™: By empowering regulators, parents and individuals to set limits and policies on how and what they want to engage in while they are driving.

2.     Hardware (STMCGATEWAY™). The Gateway is a plug and play controller that uses  USB and other communication protocols to integrate portable devices with the vehicle data sources and the vehicle native controls, so they are used through our preferred HMI, HANDS-ON-WHEEL-Interface™, (HOWI)™HANDS-ON-WHEEL-Interface™ requires drivers to place their hands on the steering wheel to assure no third task is taking place while driving and conversing.  Once that step is assured, the system enables controls with ThumbGestureInterpretation™ (TGI™), providing a 100% reliable interface that speech or voice recognition still fails to deliver 10 years later.

3.     Software (IntelligentAssistant™):  The IntelligentAssistant™ is an Operating System or a supervisory application that accepts additional software into the system, on the phone, on the car or on a server/ portal, and then employs them under an adaptive learning state machine that re-sequences, re-prioritizes, enables, disables and suspends equipment and services based on KnowledgeWare™ to assure delivery of services under safer conditions and suspends them or changes their delivery nature so they are not distracting.

The IntelligentAssistant™, in addition to KnowledgeWare™ uses Driver history Factor, Temporal Factor, Geographical Factor, Regulatory and Legal Factor, Driver instantaneous behavior Factors, Vehicle Factors, Portable Applications Factors, Policies Factors and DrivingApplication™ Factors and similar tags that can even include etiquettes, to configure the driving experience and modifies it to each driver’s capabilities and preset KnowledgeWare™ and preferences.

The system was first demonstrated publicly during SAE Congress 2003 and will be part of our demo in SAE Convergence 2012 along with functional IntelligentCupHolder™ (Patents granted / Patent pending - will be on display).

The NEW:  At SAE Convergence 2012 we are announcing iQ-AutoLife™.  The product came together as a result of in-house project management, software and hardware engineering by Purdue University-Calumet, mechanical drawing by Innovate 3D and rapid prototyping by Wayne State University Connected Services.

 iQ-AutoLife™ is an advanced version of STMCGateway™ in that it adds:

1.     Life Style component: Full integration of driver living necessities into the driving experience (patent granted – Currently undergoing bench testing).

2.     Improved HANDS-ON-WHEEL-Interface™ with iQ-ShortCuts™ to speed up app selection while driving without causing an Eyes Off The Road or Hands Off The Wheel situation.  iQ-ShortCuts™ are colorful and easily recognizable and easily associable icons that are placed at 10:02 of the steering wheel so they are within the driver’s line of sight or well within the driver’s peripheral vision (patent pending - will be on display).

3.     Improved ThumbGestureInterpretation™ with SureGesture™ and EasyFlow™ that can guarantee data entry without causing an Eyes Off The Road or Hands Off The Wheel situation (patent pending - will not be displayed)

 The items on display will be geared toward the aftermarket.  It will include three versions with different hardware and software configurations, namely, iQ-Wheel™, iQ-Teen™/iQ-Family™ and iQ-Fleet™.

 iQ-Wheel™ has an individual account online while iQ-Teen/iQ-Family has multiple phone numbers and includes an administrative role for parents to set up telematics functionality and maximum speed limit permitted for the driver.

 iQ-Fleet™ will also have an administrator function as well and will be distinguished with the ability to control any off the shelf CB via our Hands On Wheel Interface™ so drivers that use CB radios in places that ban their use while driving, (e.g. Ontario or British Columbia) will be able to use their CB safely and in compliance with their local laws.

 All models will use universal vehicle data connector that does not rely on vehicle data bus data.  This means vehicles made before 1996 or vehicles that do not have full complement of necessary data to determine driver or vehicle workload will still be able to provide such data by tapping directly to the analog signals generated by the vehicle’s sensors.

All models will enable drivers to listen to preselected news feeds, e-mails, text messages and reply with pre-set messages automatically or on demand.  Drivers will also be able to reply with a voice message via MMS or e-mail attachment.

 All functionalities are governed by the IntelligentAssistant™, so while the functionalities may seem elaborate, the deployment and access to the functionalities is fully governed by the IntelligentAssistant™ and will not permit activities under conditions that are Known AND Likely to Cause Distraction AND/OR Accidents as compiled by research and real world data.  For example, a driver cannot engage in multiple activities while driving.  A scenario where a driver is conversing on the phone and accessing e-mail simultaneously is forbidden so the system will not enable the vehicle to be used as a mobile office, while still allowing moderated communication and connectivity.  Facebook updates, Twitters and “Social Media” will not be accessible while driving. 

 Counter Distraction Measures; iQ-CDM™ are in the development pipeline and part of our granted and pending patents.  The system uses Reflex Distraction™ in reverse deployment to make sure the driver is not zoned out from a long conversation or too tired or drowsy from a long drive.   This version will include application modules for those that engage is long drives and excessive conversation due to the nature of their work.  More information about our complete solutions can be found on, including pre-order forms.  For more information, please contact


Mr. Mouhamad A. Naboulsi, CEO
iQ-Telematics, LLC
6689 Orchard Lake Road, # 215
West Bloomfield, MI 48322 USA
Phone   (248) 388-0211

 *Hands On Wheel Interface™ is configurable to mandate one or two hands, depending on the Driving Application™, Preferences or Regulatory/Policy requirement.


Also on:





Applied Computer Technologies, Inc™

6689 Orchard Lake Road


West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322

USA      (248) 388-0211

Press Release:  Date: Sunday August 7, 2011


For Immediate Release:


iQ-Telematics™, a safe telematics solutions company, with the assistance of the School of Business Administration ( at Oakland University, conducted a marketing research survey regarding driver distraction issues facing us today and our proposed solution, iQ-Gateway™.


iQ-Gateway™ is the umbrella to a suite of proprietary solutions we developed using our proprietary research.  This investigation stretched over a decade of observing drivers in their naturalistic environment.  The result was a breakthrough understanding that was ahead of its time when disclosed in 2001 as a patent pending concept, but recently we began to find significant disciplinary support for our findings in independent research by other scientists.


Our conclusions are best articulated in the following definitions of Driver Distraction Root Causes :

Reflex Distraction:                Distraction caused by reflex triggered by sensory stimuli and is not controllable by the driver.

Impulse Distraction:             Distraction caused by emotional thoughts or triggered by an Instinctive Response to a Reflex Distraction and maybe controllable by the driver.

Life Style Distraction:          Willing and systematic performance of activities creating dangerous risks (Known AND / OR Likely to cause Distraction that leads to Near Miss, Accidents and Death).  This is triggered due to poor education at first, but then, the behavior is perpetuated by several Instinctive Responses.  This type of distraction creates unnecessary Work Load and is controllable by the driver.


© Copyright 2010 Mouhamad A. Naboulsi.

Click here for a full PDF copy.




Microloan helps iQ-Telematics nail down patents

Metromode, 10/5/2010

The Michigan Microloan Fund Program has proved essential for iQ-Telematics.

The 1-year-old company recently received $15,000 from the Ann Arbor SPARK-run program. It used the seed capital for a number of items, but most importantly, for obtaining foreign and domestic patents.

"If we didn't gather money we would have lost the European or American patents," says Mouhamad Naboulsi, president of iQ-Telematics. "We couldn't have done both at the same time."

The West Bloomfield-based firm, staffed by nine co-founders, is developing software for automobiles that can require safer driving practices, like disabling music and other extra activities if the driver isn't keeping two hands on the steering wheel. The idea is to make the experience safer for motorists, such as young drivers and people who haul hazardous waste.

The microloan and assistance from Ann Arbor SPARK is also helping cover exhibit costs at trade shows and a market study of its product. "That should be done by the end of October," Naboulsi says.

Source: Mouhamad Naboulsi, president of iQ-Telematics
Writer: Jon Zemke


At the Distracted Driving Summit, all kinds of companies are offering solutions.

"IQ-Telematics is perhaps the most intense"

 Bruce Leshan , WUSA 9/21/2010


p.s.  All technology solutions displayed in the video represent our sub features, so yes, we can read texts, e-mails, and if parents do want to block messages we do that as well.  Our patents and prototype preceded all of the others displayed here.

Auto Infotainment Firm Invited To D.C. Event

GLITR, Technology
6:21 pm

Mouhamad A. Naboulsi, president of West Bloomfield Township-based Applied Computer Technologies Inc., has been invited as one of 200 driver distraction and human factors experts to attend the driver distraction summit organized by federal Transportation Secretary Raymond LaHood on Tuesday, Sept. 21.

This is the second year in a row that this event takes place emphasizing the DOT and society interest in solving the driver distraction caused by technology. 

“We had a lot to say last year and this year, we will display our functional prototype for all attendees,” Naboulsi said.

Naboulsi said his company’s system is based on two decades of research through observations, focus groups and market research. He believes that a ban to prevent the public from using cell phones while driving won’t work. He said his research also showed that the public is not interested in just adding more technology to the vehicle, but 88 percent of surveyed drivers said they ready for a system that actively protects drivers from distraction and accidents caused by cell phone and other in-vehicle technology.

The technology, iQ-Wheel, was prototyped in 2000-02 and received its first U.S. patent in February 2004, 6,731,925 under the description of Safe Telematics Monitoring and Control Gateway, with nine more subjects pending in three patents in the U.S. and EU.

More at

Keep both hands on the wheel; safer driving with iQ-Telematics software

Metromode, 8/5/2010
Mouhamad Naboulsi has known for a long time that the path to a smarter, safer car requires better software. It's something that rings so true that he built his West Bloomfield-based start-up, iQ-Telematics, around it.

The one-year-old company and its nine co-founders are developing software for automobiles that can require drivers to practice safer driving habits, like disabling music and other extra activities if the driver isn't keeping two hands on the steering wheel. The idea is to make the driving experience safer for motorists, such as young drivers and people who haul hazardous waste.

"Your hands will always be on the steering wheel," Naboulsi says.

The technology is similar to what Ford's SYNC technology did for the driving experience a few years ago. The difference, according to Naboulsi, is the product will add an extra layer of security that helps ensure safety for everyone on the road. He and his partners are currently working on raising seed capital and getting approval for their patents before commercializing the product.

Source: Mouhamad Naboulsi, president of iQ-Telematics
Writer: Jon Zemke


West Bloomfield, Michigan – December 17, 2009 - Michigan-based Applied Computer Technologies Inc. (Applikompt) ( was awarded runner-up at the SAE- MIT Enterprise Forum in the category of New Product Innovation. The competition took place December 12th and included 10 High tech companies, (start- ups as well as several established companies), from the Great Lakes Region.
“It was a great honor for us to win this prestigious award for our technology”, commented Mr. Mouhamad Naboulsi, President of Applikompt. 

System lets your thumbs read the e-mail -- while you drive

The Great Lakes IT Report covers the technology world broadly, but from a Michigan perspective. It includes coverage of hardware, software, the life sciences, alternative energy, advanced manufacturing and advanced automotive technology, including telematics and alternative fuel powertrains.  (More about Great Lakes IT Report).  Mr. Matt Roush, Editor of the Great Lakes IT report ran into us on several occasions and we finally had the opportunity to demonstrate the system to him in person.  Follow this link to read the full story on  I think he liked it.



Connected Vehicle Preview by Mike Wendland, Detroit Free Press Convergence Editor

Mr. Wendland stopped by our stand a took a snap preview of our system.  Please click on the photo to preview the short video.




Inventor: Now's the time for telematics

Source: Oakland Business Review, November 2006


Innovators are business people who think a new way whether that's an innovative product, process or business strategy.  It's not just about manufacturing or technology, either. It's about those companies leading Michigan out of the rust belt.


It's been 20 years in development, but Mouhamad Naboulsi sees his automotive product to be more applicable then ever before.........See the complete article

Arab American News, Dearborn, Michigan USA.

The Arab American News technology reporter, Ali Suleiman, wrote an article about STMCGateway.  The article was unique in a sense that it did delve in to the history of the development and our IP priority.  Excerpts are available to the right.  The full (web) version can be downloaded here


حاصل على براءات اختراع من الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي
مخترع عربي يبتكر نظرية «نظام القيادة الآمنة»
محمد النابلسي: الأدمغة موجودة ولكن .. أين المستثمرين؟

هامترامك - خاص «صدى الوطن»
علي سليمان

لطالما كانت مشكلة تَشتت ذهن السائق اثناء القيادة من الاسباب الرئيسة في حوادث السير. وتتوزع تلك الاسباب على نشاطات متنوعة يمارسها سائقو السيارات يوميا ابتداء من استعمال الهاتف الى استقبال المكالمات او التنقل بين محطات الراديو وغيرها. وتشير الاحصاءات ان
70 بالمئة من حوادث السير تحدث بسبب انصراف نظر السائق عن الطريق. 

Safety while driving and multitasking. (SHORT Takes) (Brief article)

Source: Rural Telecommunications

Publication Date: 01-MAY-06

Author: Ward, Jesse

COPYRIGHT 2006 National Telephone Cooperative Association

You've surely experienced it. Perhaps you've even been the culprit. Drivers who talk on their cell phones and appear distracted from the road. Without question, every driver wants to be safe, but they also want to maximize the use of their time and multitask.

To address these new safety issues, a product is currently in the works to allow drivers to use their handheld communications devices without taking their hands off the wheel, or their eyes off the road. The STMCGateway will allow the driver to access his handheld device with a one touch button on the steering wheel. The driver's handheld device rests in a cradle that is linked to the car's network through a combination of wireless technology and a USB connector. The cradle works with any make and model of car, and any type of cell phone, PDA, Blackberry or other portable device.

The STMCGateway also will provide additional value-added safety features. It will:

* evaluate the driving conditions, based upon preset driver preferences, and determine if it's a good time for a driver to receive a call or an audible e-mail. If it's not, the call will be sent directly to voicemail.

* link with sensors to diagnose the driver's physical condition, by taking the driver's heart rate, blood alcohol level and blood pressure

* contain a programmable memory alarm that can be set to alert a driver who is involved with communications activities when he is approaching certain intersections or traffic signals



Compiled by Jesse Ward, NTCA Publications Manager


Contents © 2006 Hampton AutoBeat LLC. All rights reserved.

Applied Computer Technologies Inc. (Applikompt) of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., says its “safe Telematics monitoring and control gateway” system can help minimize driver distraction by controlling the use of cell phones, PDAs and navigation devices based on driving conditions and driver-specific factors. It takes into account the real-time environment, vehicle operating history and task management data.

For starters, drivers must have both hands on the steering wheel to initiate operations. Incoming calls, for example, are answered via thumb controls on the steering wheel. The system will offer to send an incoming call or audible e-mail into Voice mail if it’s received during acceleration, braking or turn signal use—and it can be programmed to alert a driver already on the phone when approaching a busy intersection.

Special customization features also can be added to fit driver preferences and driving styles. And the system can be linked to sensors to detect heart rate, blood alcohol levels, blood pressure or drowsiness.

Applikompt says it is still in the initial stages of talking with automakers and cell phone service providers about its technology. The company plans to debut the system in the aftermarket starting at about $200. The software can be hosted on an existing in-vehicle processor, a portable aftermarket device or on a remote computer at a call center.

The company was formed in 1985 by two Wayne State University students. Over the years, it has developed several information technology-based systems.

Forum & Link (Almontada): Arab American Innovation  (October 2005- Dearborn, Michigan)

Have you ever wished for a device that would allow you, the driver, to keep your eyes on the road and hands onthe wheel while you talk on the phone, send an email, or even turn on your blinker?  Dreams can become reality.......(See full story by Sueheila M. Amen)

Auto Insight: Smarter Steering Wheel Helps Drivers, (October 2004- Detroit, Michigan)

Auto Insight, a TV weekly auto news magazine hosted by Guy Gordon, on NBC affiliates WDIV, did a story on our product after an interview in October 2004.  Click here to read their impression of the STMCGATEWAYTM  HOWITM interface.  The interview was also featured on TV in November during the weekly automotive news journal bearing the same name.

Sensor Eradicates Driver distraction, (Detroit Auto Scene, November 15, 2004 - Detroit, Michigan)

Mouhamad Naboulsi, President (manaboulsi AT

Gabrielle Gamache, Staff writer for the automotive industry publisher (Springer Publication), wrote about STMCGateway before.  This time around, Under that definitive title, Gabrielle had a chance to experience how the system works for her self.  "Sweet" was the word she repeated the most when navigating through the various options of the system.  Engineers who read her articles stated that this is the best explanation of how the system works and recommended that we take note for future presentation.  In addition to Detroit Auto Scene, the article appeared in two additional automotive publications,  The Oakland Tech News and The Tech Center News.  We will send you a copy of the article upon request.

High-tech auto gadgets could reduce accidents (Detroit News article October 19, 2004)

Mouhamad Naboulsi, President (manaboulsi AT

During Convergence2004, Reporter Nick Bunkley of the Detroit News stopped by our booth and witness a demonstration of the device.  His comments can be found on the following link:

Convergence2004 news

Mouhamad Naboulsi, President (manaboulsi AT

Mr. John McElroy, A Detroit automotive icon and  the host of Radio and TV shows about the auto industry, (Autoline Detroit), witnessed a demo and gave the system a "TWO THUMBS UP".  Additional European, American and Japanese media representatives stopped by as well, we will post their articles on this site once we get them.


We received excellent leads from leading Telecom, Tier 1, 2 and OEMs.  Theses leads were almost evenly split between national and international companies and they included Telecom as well as Automotive companies.   On behalf of my colleagues at ACT and EnGenius, I want to thank all those who stopped by, and we look forward to working with you in the near future.

DCX Debuts driver advocates system, (Car Country News, June 30, 2003- Detroit, Michigan)

Mouhamad Naboulsi, President (manaboulsi AT

Gabrielle Gamache, Oakland Tech News. "Every day, the industry learns a little more about the issue of driver's distraction, but engineers at DaimlerChrysler Corp. have designed a system that gets at the root of the problem: Keeping driver's focus on the road.  The system called "Drivers Advocate", was developed in collaborative effort between Motorola and Chrysler Group Engineers and is integrated into the steering wheel of the vehicle........The effort also involved researchers and graduate students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab in Cambridge ......".  after further details that can be summarized by the following slide from STMCGateway presentation.   The story wraps up with the following paragraph


Meanwhile, the West Bloomfield-based company, Applikompt has also developed a product designed to prevent driver distraction.  Known as Safe Telematics Monitoring and Control Gateway, (STMC), Applikompt officials say it's getting a close look from automakers and their suppliers.


Comment: We have presented our product to DCX long before they went to MIT for help with the system, (Documented fact).  Many of the features/functions on the 300 MIT attributed to the research above are actually patented and patent pending features of STMCGATEWAY.


We will send you a copy of the article upon request.

System aims at distraction, (Tech Center News, April 21, 2003- Detroit, Michigan)

Mouhamad Naboulsi, President (manaboulsi AT

Gabrielle Gamache, Oakland Tech News. With some states banning certain uses of cell phones, driver distraction is one of those issues that could be considered "eternally popular". 

Now, a West Bloomfield company is polishing up a product they say can help prevent the majority of factors surrounding driver distraction......  The story continues to highlights the functionality of the device and the simplicity of the controls.  We will send you a copy of the article upon request.

Mouhamad Naboulsi, President (manaboulsi AT

The Vehicle Component 5/02 No 5 . 2002 . Scandinavian Automotive Suppliers (Magazine)

           Assisting the driver

Most road accidents happen when the driver's mind is not on his driving.  There are two main reasons for this.  Either the driver is not fit for driving. He is drunk, drugged, on medicine, ill, tired, dement, mentally disturbed, etc.  Or, if he is perfectly well and alert, he doesn't concentrate on his driving but on other things.

The obvious way to make the roads safer is therefore to identify and stop those who are not fit to drive, and to make those who are fit concentrate on their driving and nothing else.  Fit drivers who keep their hands 10-to-2 or 9-to 3 on the steering wheel, their eyes on the road and their mind on the driving very rarely have any accidents.

However, it is very difficult to detect and do something about drivers not engaged in their driving.  Road safety authorities and the police can only control and punish unwanted behavior, mainly the speed.  This brings cash to public budgets and makes people believe it will actually solve the problem.


It doesn't. It merely makes traffic less efficient and fluent and possibly cause more accidents, because people believe legal driving is safe driving and take their minds off their driving. 


Telematic driver control

Telematics offer ways to watch and control the awareness of a driver.  Several companies work with detectors following the driver's eyes, registering alcohol or vital physical functions, etc. Among these are:

  • Renault works on a system that will warn drivers falling asleep

  • The Swedish supplier firm Smart eye works on a system that follows the driver vision.

  • Another Swedish supplier, Active Attention , works on a system coupling car control to the human mind and sensorial functions and surveying these functions.

  • At the Telematics conference in Gothenburg on June 26 and 27, the American Innovator Mouhamad R. Naboulsi showed his electronically controlled system that makes the car move only if the driver keeps his hands properly on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road.  The system can be adjusted to individual drivers and moved between cars.

He can be reached on +1-313-506-2314, E-mail:



Mouhamad Naboulsi, President (manaboulsi AT

Safe Telematics Monitoring and Controls Gateway (STMCGateway): a solution to Telematics-caused driver distraction  by Mouhamad Naboulsi, Applied Computer Technologies, Inc. (“Applikompt”) in Detroit, Michigan:

Originally submitted to the US DOT-sponsored National Intelligent Vehicle Initiative meeting in Washington DC, on May 15th


What do we do?

iQ-TelematicsTM provides the tools that makes it possible for drivers to enjoy connectivity safely and easily with guaranteed Eyes On The Road and Hands On The Wheel to eliminate driver distraction due to manual texting, cell phone calls, e-mailing and browsing.

Our technologies are Patented and Patent pending in the U.S. and EU. They are the results of more than two decades Real World Observation (Naturalistic Driving). They are formulated to allow connectivity to cell phone voice communication, texting, e-mail and access to the web, (but not web browsing).

The difference between our technology and the "Ad hoc" way drivers access these connectivity means, is that we structure the experience to assure Convenience and a Common Sense approach that will avoid the known causes of in-vehicle or nomadic technologies.

The difference between our technology and the way automotive is that we are not aiming for providing the devices and services, but we aim to make the devices, the services, the drivers, the car to work together seamlessly to provide moderated connectivity and driving under strict safety rules extracted from real world historical facts.

Our Technologies will sense a danger and stop phones before the interrupt the driver. Our Technologies can guarantee that the drivers hands are on the wheel and not doing anything else while talking on the phone or when listening to e-mail. There is nothing like what we offer out there and expert that looked at our prototypes proclaimed it as meet or exceed existing "guide lines" from multiple regulatory and authoritative sources. Certification will be published once completed.

Our Offering is geared toward the most effected groups in the driver distraction problem. Starting with the individual driver up to the largest Commercial and Governmental fleets.

For licensing, please visit this page.

1  iQ-Wheel™ Daily every day driving, Busy professionals on the go, (Road Warriors)
2  iQ-Teen™  iQ-Family™ Safety conscious parents, Safety conscious connected families
3  iQ-Fleet™ Small business, fleets owners, Towing trucks, Delivery trucks, Taxi Cab
4  iQ-Truck™ Large fleets owners with long haul routes and HAZMAT business and any DOT registered vehicle


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